Overhead Reports
From the main Gaidge screen click (or tap) on Overhead and you will see a drop-down list: Overhead Summary, Overhead Budget, Overhead Reports.
Overhead Summary
The summary page columns are like those on the Gaidge Summary except for the addition of % of Total which displays the item as a percentage of Total Expenses. Your Collection numbers from your practice management system display at the top, then there are sections for Staff Expenses, Clinical Supplies & Lab, Marketing, Equipment & Facility and Other Practice Expenses from your QuickBooks or manually entered data, followed by Estimated Net Income Before Doctor Compensation (collection minus expenses.)
Within each section the breakdown of categories displays. For example, under Staff:
- Salaries, Wages & bonuses
- Insurance and Benefits
- Payroll taxes
- Other
If turned on, Budget items display in purple.
The final sections are Doctors Salary & Benefits and followed by Estimated Income After Doctor Salary and Benefits.
Like the summary with goals, you can toggle your budget items on or off.
From the Summary, you can click on the tabs to switch between Overhead pages.
Overhead Budget
Once your budget is set up in Practice Settings, you can view the status of expenses for the month and same month last year (SMLY) followed by the Monthly Budget amount and progress indicators of how much of the budget has been spent by month, quarter and year to date.
Overhead Reports
The Overhead Reports page currently includes Expenses, Expense Percentages, Marketing Expenses/Patient Acquisition, Staff Expenses per Start, and Estimated Net Income per Clinical Day. Each report has a graph and a data grid with details.