Before You Begin, Setup Preferences

Before adding forms and sending them to your patients, let's start by getting your preferences setup. 

From the main Forms menu, select Preferences.

file-3sVn6V8mBx.pngForm Header

It's easy to create your own custom form header without knowing anything about HTML. To customize the header on your forms, click on the checkbox   Enable Custom header then click on the button titled Header Helper

The Generate Header form displays:
Enter your practice information (address, phone, etc.,) upload and resize your logo - you can see your progress in the Preview. Choose background and text colors and include social media icons. Once you click on the button Use this header, the header HTML will be created and added to the text editor. You can always make any other changes later.
If you prefer, you can enter your header in the Edit box. The format bar has various options for text effects, adding images and links. You can also insert HTML.

PDF Header

You can use the default header, your Web header or a different custom header on PDF forms. Most practices use their Web Header:



This is generally your first communication with patients after the initial phone call. Be sure to make a good impression!

The format bar has various options for text effects, adding images and links plus adding fields like patient name, practitioner name and special instructions. You can also add your own HTML. 

Please note: do not delete the link and instructions at the end of the email - this is how the patient connects to your form and any instructions you entered when sending.


Email Preview


Customize your text messages when sending forms and from reminders. You can also set the time period for when to send reminders.


Please note: Do not change the intake link or your patients will not get a link to your forms.


Under settings, you can change the font and/or allow page breaks within questions on PDFs to save paper. Other settings include signature style, login requirements, date types, etc.


Email Sender

The email sender lets you set the from address on your outgoing emails



Setup which notifications you wish to receive:


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