Gaidge Pay Reports

For practices with Gaidge Pay, there are Payment Reports.

Click on this button, takes you to the Stax Payments dashboard.


From here, you can select reports, where you can view payment methods, deposits, reconcile, fee statements and disputed charges in report format.


For a listing of payments. You can select all, refunds or failed attempts or enter an email, name etc in the search box. Click on the Filter button at the right for more options.

Click on an item to view the payment details. Options on this screen include refund, print or send receipts. Sample Receipt:


View all, overdue, outstanding or paid invoices. Click on the item to view the details.


We are not using schedules at this time.


For a listing of disputes.


Displays a list of all customers filtered by active or archived. Click on an item to view detail.

Click on Edit Customer to update details, if needed. You can also merge duplicates here.


Here are the settings for your account: General Account, Team, Branding, Invoice, Customer and Notifications.

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