Monthly Reconciliation - topsOrtho

Video Tutorial of topsOrtho End of Month Click here

Completing these Reconciling tasks by the last working day of the month gives you the opportunity to review and correct any missed transactions.

End of Month Tasks

Reconcile Contracts and Starts 

(compare topsOrtho and

In topsOrtho go to

Matrix → Patient Care Tracking → Case Starts

Starts are counted for patients with a Tx Start date in date range selected. The start type is determined by treatment phase and treatment methodIf one of these is missing the start will not be counted on Gaidge.

For example, Full Aligner starts have a treatment phase of Comprehensive Treatment and a treatment method where count as aligner method is checked.

Compare your starts to your contracts entered this month –

Matrix → Transaction Audit Trail

  • Click on the Production button, then on type at the top of the column to sort by it.
  • Click and drag to select the initial fee entries to get the number of contracts.

The number selected should match the number of starts for the month. Confirm that the number of Case Starts and the selected Initial fee total in topsOrtho match your  Total Starts and Total Contracts on your Gaidge Dashboard.

Enter any missing contracts on patients who started treatment and/or correct any Case Start date errors within the patient’s information screen.

Reconcile Exams

In  topsOrtho go to

Reports → Appointments of Type this Month

Note - If you have more than one exam appointment type, run each appointment type separately and total manually.

Confirm the total number of exams matches total exams on your Gaidge Dashboard.

Beginning of Month Tasks

After the first of the month, complete the following for the prior month.

Reconcile Production & Collection


In  topsOrtho go to 

Matrix →Transaction Audit Trail

Choose Date Range, then click on  Production.

Gross Production displays at the bottom of the chart.

On go to Reports → Production & Collections scroll down to Production and Collections with Associated Adjustments. Gross Production shows in the first bar graph and should match your topsOrtho Production plus voided transactions.


While still in the Matrix → Transaction Audit Trail

Click on  Payments. Gross Collection is at the bottom of the chart

On Reports → Production & Collections scroll down to  Production and Collections with Associated Adjustments. Gross Collections is in the second bar graph.

Entering Hours and Days

During the first week of the month, log into the Gaidge website to ender the hours and days worked the previous month. Click the Gear icon then Hours/Days. Double-click the boxes to ender the Doctor Hours, Staff Hours, and Clinical Days. Once completed click Save.

Doctor Hours – Calculate clinical hours only. (Two doctors working at the same office for an 8 hour day would equal 16 clinical hours for that day, doctor admin day does not count in the hours.)

Staff Hours- Enter all clinical and administrative staff hours.

Clinical Days Worked – These are days patients are scheduled for the doctor(s) or clinical staff. If more than one doctor is working then multiply the # of doctors * days.  

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