Monthly Reconciliation - Cloud 9
Monthly reconciliation includes both end-of-month (EOM) and beginning of the month tasks. Completing the EOM tasks by the last working day of the month gives you the opportunity to review and correct any missed transactions. The beginning of the month tasks ensures that the prior month's information reported correctly to Gaidge.
End of Month Tasks
Reconcile Contracts and Starts
Start on the Gaidge Dashboard. Does the number of contracts match the number of starts? If Yes, fantastic! If No, let's look to see if there were there any pre-treats, retreats or additional treatments to account for the difference.
In cloud9 go to Reports > Reports > Gaidge: Contracts, Initial Fees and Discounts
Click Start Date and enter the first of this month then click End Date and enter yesterday's date. Check all locations. Click the Preview button, and look for unassigned contracts, those with no Start**** heading, (or with Not counted on Gaidge or similar.) Next, scroll to end and check the total count, this should match the Contracts Entered number on the Gaidge Dashboard.
If you added new treatment types with is Contract checked without adding a Gaidge code they will show here at the top of each location.
On Gaidge, both Origin of Start and Payment Arrangement counts should match the number of Treatment Starts. Payment Arrangements are on the Production and Collection reports, and Origin of Starts is located on Exams/Starts. If they do not match, check the origin of Start and Payment Arrangement columns on this report and correct in the patient's contract screen.
Reconcile Exams
Reports > Reports > Gaidge: Treatment Card Entries
Click Start Date and enter the first of this month then click End Date and enter yesterday's date. Check all locations. In the Gaidge Codes window, uncheck All (or any prior selections) and scroll to find the exams (ExamAdult, ExamChild), and check both. Click the Preview button.
The total should match the count on a Kept Appointments report for Exam codes tracked for Gaidge. Post any missing Exams to the Treatment Card. Since Case Acceptance is calculated from Treatment Starts and Exams, it is critical that Exam counts and Treatment Start counts be correct. Login to Gaidge and confirm this Exam count matches the number on your Gaidge Dashboard
Reconcile Production & Collection
On the Gaidge website, go to the Production & Collection reports. Scroll down to the Production and Collection with Associated Adjustments graph and then view the data grid.
Print the cloud9 report: Summary of Activity
Select the desired date range and go to the last page (Location = Total)
Most often both the Production and Collection numbers will match Gaidge, if your production does not match, then check each location separately to determine which location is off. We can then more easily determine where to look for the source of the discrepancy
Sometimes Collection Adjustments and thus Net Collection do not match Gaidge. This is usually due to differing definitions of what counts as a collection adjustment.
If this is the case for your practice, print Net Receipts by Date Range and use Adjustments plus Corrections and Refunds for your Collections Adjustment number. You can find the adjustment detail on the prior page(s) in the Adjustment section.
Completing the EOM tasks prior to the last working day of the month gives you the opportunity to review and add any missed transactions. Of course, you can check these numbers any time during the month.
Beginning of Month Tasks
Adding Hours and Days
During the first week of the month, log into the Gaidge website to enter the hours and days worked the previous month. Click the Gear icon then Hours/Days. Double-click the boxes to enter the Doctor Hours, Staff Hours, and Clinical Days. Once completed click Save.
Doctor Hours Calculate clinical hours only. (Two doctors working at the same office for an 8 hour day would equal 16 clinical hours for that day. An administrative day for the Doctor would not count in Doctor Hours.)
Staff Hours Enter all clinical and administrative staff hours, including Sick, Holiday, and PTO
Clinical Days Worked These are days patients are scheduled for the doctor(s) or clinical staff. If more than one doctor is working, then multiply (number of doctors * days)