Locations Overview
For practices with more than one location, the Summary page has a third tab. The Locations Overview summarizes data by location or Location POD on three tabs: Financial, Performance and Opportunity. It is a great way to quickly access your data if you have more than one location.
You can view all of your locations or filter out some to look at a specific group by unchecking the box at the left and clicking on Hide Unchecked. Click Reset to get all locations back. You can also sort by any column with the arrows at the top.
The Financial tab contains Net Production and Collections along with their adjustments, plus receivables information. Note that the numbers with targets are shaded green in within the target, yellow – within a range and red for out of range.
The Performance tab focuses on patients – those added, starting and finishing treatment
Opportunity – quickly see where you can improve your practice by tracking no-shows, repairs, overestimated treatment time as well as your observation and between phases visits.