Treatment Efficiency Data

Treatment Efficiency data comes from different places depending on practice management system. Each practice management system works a little differently in how they update and record information. Make sure your data foundation is set up to get the most accurate data.

For all systems: 

  • Confirm that for any Partial Debond codes, that only the code for the debond of the final arch updates the completion date and status change to Retention.
  • Remember that contracts entered with a reduced fee, or no fee, will deflate Average Tx Fee.


Do active treatment statuses have default number of months, so that estimated completion date is updated?

  • On the status screen checking This is Retention causes deband date to be updated – this needs to be set for Phase I and Full/Phase II/Limited/Other/Invisalign retention statuses.
  • Debonds are based on Debond Appt from TxCard
  • All other TXEff data is based on the Status immediately preceding the retention status.

Run the Gaidge Tx Efficiency report in cloud9 to view the patients, their prior status etc.


Do active treatment statuses have default number of months, so that estimated completion date is updated? Once a patient is debonded you CANNOT go back and correct the prior estimated completion date (it is a hidden value.)

  • On the status screen checking This is a deband causes deband date to be updated – this needs to be set for Phase I and Full/Phase II/Limited/Other/Invisalign retention statuses.
  • Debonds and other treatment efficiency data are based on a status set above and the date on the patient’s history tab


  • Orthotrac uses procedure codes to update band date and completion dates, as well as change patient status. 
  • Entering the Estimated Completion date should be part of the contract entering process. Note: For Phase II Starts, remove the band date, estimated completion, and completion dates for Phase I.
  • Debonds are based on code posted, other data is based on the prior status

Ortho2 VP           

  • Do deband Appointment Procedures prompt for Actual Appliance Removal with Kept Appointment? 
  • Are they set to automatically change the patient’s status to Retention/Between Phases?  Run a Kept Appointments report and compare the count to the Deband Analysis report.
  • Debonds and other tx eff data are based on Actual Appliance Removal date and Phase

Ortho2 Edge       

  • Do deband Scheduling Procedures prompt for Actual Appliance Removal with Kept Appointment? 
  • Are they set to automatically change the patient’s status to Retention/Between Phases?  Run a Kept Appointments report and compare the count to the Deband Analysis report.
  • Debonds and other treatment efficiency data are based on Actual Appliance Removal date and Treatment


  • Are start appointments setup with Begins treatment checked? 
  • Are debond appointment types set up with Completes Treatment checked?
  • Debonds and other treatment efficiency data are based on treatment End Date plus treatment method/Phase
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