Tops - Production & Collections Reconciliation

Reconciling your Adjustments to your Gross Production and Gross Collections to get the Net production and Net Collection numbers is a bit tricky as tops includes both production and collection adjustments in the [+] and [-] adjustments.

Gross Production

In topsOrtho go to Matrix Transaction Audit Trail

Choose Date Range, then click on Production .

NOTE: You cannot use the Tops Production and Collections Report as it does not differentiate production from collection adjustments.

Gross Production displays at the bottom of the chart on the Windows Summary line. 

On go to Reports → Production & Collections, scroll down to Production and Collections with Associated Adjustments. Gross Production is shown in the first bar graph and should match your topsOrtho Production plus voided transactions.

Production Adjustments

This value is calculated from multiple tabs on the Transaction Audit Trail, using specific transactions and the corresponding value on the row labeled Selection Summary for each tab.

Remember that although all numbers are shown as absolute value (positive), (+) Adjustments are positive numbers and (–) Adjustments are negative numbers when combining them.

  • [+] Contract Adj – Increase Existing Contract (exclude Reschedule Charged Contract Fees as these just move money from the future to now and should have a corresponding transaction on the [-] Contract Adj tab).
  • [-] Contract Adj – Decrease Existing Contract (exclude Reschedule Charged Contract Fees as these just move money from the now to the future and should have a corresponding transaction on the [+] Contract Adj tab).
  • [+] Adjustments – Click on the Type header once or twice to sort and select the transactions such as Transfer Charge Adjustment, Transfer Credit Adjustment, Data Entry Correction, Account Adjustment (exclude Refunds, OB Payment Reversal, and NSF Returned Check since these are Collection Adjustments).
  • [-] Adjustments – 99% of the time, all transactions on this tab will be used (Window Summary row). 
    • If there is a discrepancy, look for a transaction description of ReDeposit Check* and exclude it (include it in Collection Adjustments). These will be split into discounts, write-offs and other adjustments on the discounts and Write-Offs chart.
Adjustment Type  
Discounts Matrix / Transaction Audit Trail [-] Adjustments, type includes *Discount*
Write-offs Matrix / Transaction Audit Trail [-] Adjustments, type includes *Write-off*
Other Adjustments calculated: Prod Adj - (Discounts + Write-offs)
Discounts Count Matrix / Transaction Audit Trail [-] Adjustments *Discount*

Net Production

Net Production = Gross Production +/- Production Adjustments as defined above.

Gross Collection

While still in the Matrix Transaction Audit Trail

Click on Payments. Gross Collection is at the bottom of the chart. 

Collection Adjustments

This value is calculated from multiple tabs on the Transaction Audit Trail, using specific transactions and the corresponding value on the row labeled Selection Summary for each tab. Click on the Type to sort.

  • [+] Adjustments - NSF-Returned Check, Payment Reversal, Refund to Ins. Co., Refund to Patient
  • [-] Adjustments- ReDeposit Check 

Net Collection

Net Collection = Gross Collection +/- Collection Adjustments

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