Adding Overhead Permissions

Need to allow a staff member to access Overhead Setup and/or reports?

To update another user, you must be assigned to a role that allows you to Manage Practice, typically a doctor or office manager. Log in to Gaidge, then click on the gear icon at the upper left of your screen and select Practice Management. 

On the left side menu, find Users. The Users section displays the practice members who have access to your Gaidge data and what their role is in your practice. The role determines which tabs and charts that person can access.

Adding Permissions to Other Roles

When editing another role,  allow Access Overhead Data, Overhead (setup), specific tabs, or any combination. 

  • Access Overhead Data controls whether that user can see any overhead data. If it is turned on then the tabs for Overhead Summary, Budget and Reports can be accessed if enabled.
  • Overhead (Integrations) controls access to Overhead and Budget Setup under Gaidge Practice Management. This is where you map your accounting software expense accounts to Gaidge - this should be limited to as few people as possible.
  • Access Tabs: Overhead Summary, Budget and Reports tabs allow viewing of data and can be limited to only certain areas or charts, much like the report tabs for practice management data.
  • Access Charts - determine which parts of the Summary, budget and Reports are viewable.

Select the tabs you want to allow access and click on Save Permissions. Then under Access charts, select the charts to be viewed and Save Permissions.

For an accountant or bookkeeper, you may want to allow just overhead access:

Then they can view only overhead data and access to setup overhead.

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