How to Merge (and Unmerge) Patients

If you have duplicated a patient in your account, you can merge them into a single patient, so that all their records are easily accessible in one timeline. Merging will transfer all forms, notes and appointments from patient A to patient B. After all documents are copied, patlient A is deleted.

From your Gaidge Forms menu navigate to Clients

Locate the patient you want to remove and click on their name or ID to open their timeline.

Open the ○○○ menu at the upper right and select merge with... 

In the merge dialog, search for the duplicate

Confirm the information is correct and click on Merge.

How to Unmerge

If you merge two patients together, but need to reverse this process, follow the steps listed below:

  1. Navigate to the patient that remained after the merge you performed (Menu → Clients).
  2. Switch from the Overview to the ↺ events tab for that patient.
  3. You will see an entry in the log for the merge you performed, next to it you'll see an "unmerge" link.
  4. Click the unmerge option to reverse the merge you performed and the patient that was deleted will be restored with their data.

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