Cloud 9 - New Fields in Gaidge
Hello Cloud9 Gaidge User! We are excited to announce that expanded metrics are available with the Cloud9 integration.
Treatment Starts
Treatment starts can now be tracked adult vs. child, appliance versus aligner, and private pay vs Medicaid. These subcategories enable you to track data and make better decisions for your practice. The main start categories are: Full, Phase 1, Phase 2, Aligner, Limited and Other. We have added the following subcategories:
*At minimum, we recommend differentiating your Full and Aligner treatments between Children/Teen and Adults.
The Treatment Starts Detail chart now has Medicaid starts as a line across the starts bar chart, and additional bar charts for child vs adult and appliance vs aligner. Additional data may be found in the location details grid. The subcategories are displayed on the Summary underneath the main category, and under Total Starts you can now see share of chair Appliance vs. Aligner as well as private vs. Medicaid. Adult vs. child case acceptance is reported on the Case Acceptance chart.
Medicaid Exams
For exams, we have added Medicaid Exams as a subcategory of Child Exams. In addition to the number of exams, you can view your Medicaid case acceptance separately. Exams report from either your appointment types or procedure codes posted onto the treatment card based on your setup.
Repair Tracking
Repair tracking details break out by a bond, wire, appliance other problem. Gaidge pulls repair visits from either your appointment types or posting procedure codes onto the treatment card.
Virtual Appointments
Gaidge tracks the following virtual appointments from either an appointment type or procedure code posted to the treatment card:

Do I have these in my system?
These newer metrics require updating your Gaidge setup. Go to Reports → Gaidge Setup to review your current Gaidge setup. You may already have these transaction types, appointment types and procedure codes that just need mapping updated, or you may need to update your data foundation to begin tracking this information.
Setting up Cloud9
Mapping Start Details
Treatment starts can be tracked by age, appliance versus aligner, as well as Medicaid. These will better differentiate your new treatment starts, enabling you to make better decisions for your practice. To begin reporting these for your practice, your Gaidge mapping will need to be updated.
Gaidge uses your transaction types marked is contract to count starts, start details, and calculate average treatment fees by treatment type.
Edit → Setup → Transaction Types
In Cloud9 go to the Transaction Type Setup. Scroll down to a transaction type, then select a transaction type that is used for contracts (the field is contract is checked), next locate the Gaidge field and enter the appropriate Gaidge code combination from the following list (spelling errors and typos will not work!). Add new contract types for starts you want to track that you don't already have. We recommend at minimum differentiating your Full and Aligner treatments between Adults and Child/Teen.
Gaidge Treatment Categories
- Full Treatment – Active case starts who have had no prior treatment in this practice. Break out by adult, child, and Medicaid.
- Aligner Treatment – Active case starts who have had no prior treatment initiated with aligners. Break out by adult and child. (Note: Aligner treatment for Phase 1, Phase 2, and Limited will be mapped into those start categories)
- Phase 1 Treatment – First appliance placed for treatment in a planned multi-phase treatment. Break out by appliance, aligner, and Medicaid treatment.
- Phase 2 Treatment – Second phase of planned multi-phase treatment. Break out by appliance, aligner, and Medicaid treatment.
- Limited Treatment – A limited course of treatment that may involve one arch, uprighting molars, minor tooth movement with retainer, etc. Break out by adult, child, appliance, and aligner.
- Other Treatment – All other treatment, which may include splint only treatment, transfer treatment, etc. If starts for PRE-Phase 1, Retreat, and additional treatment are included, they will factor into case acceptance.
Mapping Origin of Starts - Pending and Virtual
Starts from Pending can now be broken out by Pending Exam and Pending Recall. We have also added tracking starts from virtual appointments. Update the Gaidge mapping descriptions for Start from Pending. Add a new transaction type for Start from Virtual.
Edit → Setup → Transaction Types
Check Your Work
Print your Gaidge Setup. Reports → Reports → Gaidge Setup. Review the setup to ensure starts are mapped in the correct categories and the mapping descriptions match the descriptions above.
Mapping Repair Details
You can now take advantage of tracking emergency repair details. These breakout descriptions are tracked from either an appointment type or procedure code posted to the treatment card, based on your Gaidge setup. You will want to add any necessary codes to track these details.
Repair Visits vs Repair Detail
The Gaidge code, emergency, tracks the number of extra VISITS (% of schedule). The Repair Detail Gaidge codes track the types of repairs. Repair details are categorized as: bond problem, wire problem, appliance problem and other. The Repair Detail codes may either be separate codes or a subcategory from the Repair Codes. Your workflow will determine whether it's best to have repair details as separate or a subcategory (no separate codes for details) of your emergencies.
Print Your Gaidge Setup
Print your current Gaidge setup to review what is currently mapped for repairs and whether you are mapped to pull from either appointment types or procedure codes. In Cloud9, go to Reports → Reports → Gaidge Setup.
Edit → Setup → Appointment (or Transaction) Types
Go to either Appointment Type Setup or Transaction Type Setup based on your setup to add the mapping for repairs. (Edit → Setup → Appointment types) or (Edit → Setup → Transaction Type)
Check Your Work
Print your Gaidge Setup again. Review the setup to ensure repairs are mapped in the correct categories and the mapping descriptions match the descriptions above. Check your repairs on Gaidge the next day.
Mapping Virtual Appointments
Gaidge can track virtual appointments. Virtual visits are tracked from either an appointment type or procedure codes posted to the treatment card, based on your Gaidge setup. You will want to add any necessary codes to track them.
Print Your Gaidge Setup
Print your current Gaidge setup to review what is currently mapped for repairs and whether you are mapped to pull from appointment types or procedure codes. In Cloud9, go to Reports → Reports → Gaidge Setup.
Mapping Virtual Visits to Gaidge
Gaidge tracks the following virtual visits:
Based on your setup, go to either Appointment Type Setup (Edit → Setup → Appointment Types) or Transaction Type Setup (Edit → Setup → Transaction Types.) Add the correct Gaidge code above to your virtual visits and add in any codes you need.
Note: Tracking Virtual Visits by Procedure codes: Virtual Exams codes also need to be added into virtual exam appointment to be included in counts for Future Exams.
Check Your Work
Print your Gaidge Setup again. Review the setup to ensure repairs are mapped in the correct categories and the mapping descriptions match the descriptions above.
Check your repairs on Gaidge the next day.
Contact Gaidge Support if you have any questions or need assistance.
Refer to specific instructions on updating your data foundation and Gaidge setup. Contact Gaidge Support for additional assistance.