Adding Rules (Skip Questions)
Once you have added your questions to a questionnaire, there may be some that only apply if another question is answered a specific way. Rules allow you to hide or show questions and consent forms based on how the patient answers certain questions.
For example, if the patient does not have insurance, you may want the questionnaire to skip the insurance information gathering. You can setup skip logic on any multiple choice question (or radio button section of a mixed control) and indicate which questions or consent forms should be hidden or visible.
To begin, make sure the conditional questions come after the questions that will determine their visibility. If you want to hide or show consent forms, make sure to move them to the bottom of the questionnaire under Settings. See position of consent forms in How to Create a Questionnaire Form
Open the rules screen by clicking on ○○○ > Rules
Next click on Add New Rule
Select the question that determines your rule and the appropriate equals answer. The then section has five options: hide question(s), show question(s), hide consent forms(s), show consent form(s), assign client to. Depending on your selection the fourth section displays your options.
Click Save and use form preview to test your logic.