Monthly Reconciliation - ViewPoint
Monthly reconciliation includes both end of month (EOM) and beginning of the month tasks. Completing the EOM tasks by the last working day of the month gives you the opportunity to review and correct any missed transactions. The beginning of the month tasks ensure that the prior months information reported correctly to Gaidge.
It is imperative that the final Transaction Report of the month is closed, and no further transactions of any type are posted. Only data on closed transaction reports uploads to Gaidge. On the last working day of the month confirm that a ViewPoint Final Transaction Report was closed the day before.
End of Month Tasks
Reconcile Contracts and Starts
Reports > Financial > Contract Totals
For Contracts: Sort by Patient Name, no subgroup
For Starts: use Subgroup Report: Gaidge - Tx Starts – Gaidge counts
Note: Patients with split contracts will show up twice on the Contract Totals report, you must manually subtract them.
Some reasons why the contracts and starts may not be equal:
- Contracts entered for phase types not counted in Gaidge, e.g. Pre-treatments, Additional or Retreats
- The contract was started in a month prior or contract is a ‘Proposal’ Contract (not yet activated.)
- A contract was entered, and the patient hasn’t started treatment yet.
- The contract was started in a prior month but Finding Tab start date is this month.
- Gaidge does not count $0 contracts.
Run the Kept Appointments report for your start procedures and compare to your Contract Totals. This helps to ensure you haven’t missed entering any contracts and you can account for any discrepancies.
Reconcile Payment Arrangements - On the Gaidge tab, Prod& Coll, view the Payment Arrangements chart the number of Payment Arrangements should match the number of treatment starts. If not print the subgroup report Gaidge: Payment Arrangements to locate discrepancies (compare to your open Contract Totals Report)
Reconcile Start Origins - On the Gaidge tab, Exams & Starts, view the Origin of Starts chart. The number of Origins should match the number of Treatment Starts. If not print the subgroup report Gaidge: Origin of Starts to locate discrepancies. (Compare to your open Contract Totals Report)
Reconcile Exams
Reports > Schedule > Kept Procedure Summary
Child and Adult Exams should match the Gaidge Exams and New Patients Added chart.
Beginning of Month Tasks
Reconcile Production to Gaidge
In ViewPoint: Reports > Financial > Transaction Summary Print for the first of the month through yesterday.
On the Gaidge website, go to the Production & Collections tab. Scroll down to the Production and Collection with Associated Adjustments graph and view the data grid.
Compare: Transaction Summary to Production and Collection with Associated Adjustments
Total Charges -> Gross Production
Total Adjustments -> Production Adjustments
Adjusted Total Charges -> Net Production
Reconcile Collections to Gaidge
In ViewPoint, print Reports > Financial > Transaction Summary & Balance Proof
Compare the Total Receipts on the last page, and the Negative Receipts on the next to last page to Gross Collection and Collection Adjustments on the Gaidge chart Production and Collection with Associated Adjustments. The Net Collections figure on Gaidge should match Total Receipts less Negative Receipts. (Reversals may account for any discrepancies).
NOTE: Inactive locations with balances may cause discrepancies in both production and collection – run reports for specific location if there are unexplained differences
Adding Hours and Days
During the first week of the month, log into the Gaidge website to enter the hours and days worked the previous month. Click the Gear icon then Hours/Days. Double-click the boxes to enter the Doctor Hours, Staff Hours and Clinical Days. Once completed click Save.
Doctor Hours – Calculate clinical hours only. (Two doctors working at the same office for an 8 hour day would equal 16 clinical hours for that day.)
Staff Hours – Enter all clinical and administrative staff hours.
Clinical Days Worked – These are days patients are scheduled for the doctor(s) or clinical staff. If more than one doctor is working then multiply (number of doctors * days)