View Point - Data Foundation
To ensure success visualizing your data on Gaidge, ensure your practice management software is set up to help you track items as efficiently as possible. As part of our implementation process, we will share some best practice strategies.
Please don't delete items before our data review as this may affect the accuracy of your historical data. You may want to mark them with a z at the beginning of their description to indicate they are no longer used.
Most of your financial information is automatically pulled from your system as that is standard for all users. For discounts and write-offs, we must determine and classify the associated adjustments.
Gaidge collects data for your new patient exams, observation/recall exams, retention checks and emergencies/repairs from kept appointment procedures. We use phases to classify treatment starts for Full, Aligner, Phase 1, Phase 2, Limited and Other treatment categories. Debands and treatment efficiency calculations also use phase for classification plus Actual Appliance Removal date. We count patients in active, observation and between phases by status. Schedule statistics are pulled from appointment statuses (Kept/Cancelled/etc,) for example no-shows and completed appointments.
Main Menu → System Tables → Treatment → Phase
Phase (and Findings Tab/Start Date) are used to count active treatment starts. Active treatment is classified as one of 6 types: Full Tx, Phase I, Phase II, Invisalign, Limited, and Other.
Main Menu → System Tables → Schedule → Appointment Procedures
Gaidge uses Appointment Procedures for the following:
- Initial Exams - Child and Adult
- Observation Patients Seen
- Between Phases Patients Seen
- Repair Visits
- Retention Checks
Deband appointments: Ensure that your deband procedures are set to update appliance removal dates and update patient status to retention.
Main Menu → System Tables → Patient → Statuses
Gaidge uses Status to identify the following:
- Patients in Active treatment
- Pre-Treatment Observation
- Between Phases (completed Phase I and awaiting Phase II)
- Retention (completed active treatment).
Do you have separate statuses for Pre-treatment Observation and Between Phases? Do you have a corresponding status for each active treatment type?
Transaction Adjustments
Main Menu → System Tables → Financial → Transaction Type (TxFee Adjustment)
Production adjustments are categorized into 3 categories: Discounts, Write-off, or Other. Discounts are labeled as Dr. Directed, Family/Sibling, Professional, or Promotional. Assign a classification of discounts and write-offs where appropriate. Adjustments with a category of None will be displayed as Other Adjustments on Gaidge if they affect production. Inactivate any contract adjustments that you are no longer using.