Orthotrac - Data Foundation

To ensure success visualizing your data on Gaidge, ensure your practice management software is set up to help you track items as efficiently as possible. As part of our implementation process, we will share some best practice strategies. 

Please don't delete items before our data review as this will affect the accuracy of your historical data. You may want to mark them with a z at the beginning of their description.

Patient Statuses

Maintenance > System Maintenance > Patient Statuses 

Print the Patient Statuses Report: Reports > Miscellaneous ā€“ Patient Status List Report

We look for at least one status for pre-treatment observation and for between phases observation.

Active treatment statuses are broken down by at least 5 types of treatment: Full, Phase I, Phase II, Aligners, and Limited, as well as any other types of treatments.  The specific active treatment statuses are used for Treatment Efficiency reporting on the Gaidge website.

You may wish to edit your active patient statuses so that the Active or Txappears first in the description, then all Active patient statuses appear together on your Patient Status list and on any reports by status including the Patient Statistical Profile.

Procedure Codes

Maintenance > Procedure Codes

Print the Procedure Codes List: Reports > Miscellaneous > Procedures ā€“ Procedure Code Listing Report

Gaidge generates statistics on the following key practice indicators using procedure codes:

  • New Patient Adult/Child
  • Pre-Treatment Observation
  • Between Phases Observation
  • Treatment Starts
  • Debands
  • Retainer Checks (Non-production retention visits) 
  • Repair appointments (Non-production emergency - such as Comfort Visit Long, Wire Poking)

If you do not have one or more of these procedure codes, create them. If any of these were previously combined into one type, for example New Patient, create new procedure codes to use moving forward. Then ā€˜zā€™  the original code to move to the end of your procedure code list.  The code can be inactivated later.


To track debands, Gaidge uses procedure codes.  The deband procedure codes signify the end of an active treatment and are  grouped into 4 categories: Full/Phase II, Phase I, Aligners, Other.  To track each category of deband you need unique procedure codes.

Maintenance >Procedure Codes Check that the deband procedure codes are configured to update a patient into the correct Retention status and update the completion date.  This enables us to track Treatment Efficiency on the Gaidge website.

Treatment Starts

Gaidge also counts treatment starts based on procedure codes. Gaidge tracks the following Starts types: Aligner, Full, Limited, Other, Phase 1 and Phase 2, plus subtypes:

  • Full Adult, Full Child, Full Medicaid
  • Phase1 Aligner, Phase1 Appliance, Phase1 Medicaid
  • Phase2 Aligner, Phase2 Appliance, Phase2 Medicaid
  • Aligner Adult, Aligner Child
  • Limited Adult Aligner, Limited Adult Appliance, Limited Child Aligner, Limited Child Appliance

Maintenance > Procedure Codes Your treatment start procedure codes should be configured to update a patients status and update the start (band) date. 

All but Phase 2 are used in determining case acceptance.

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